Sunday, December 6, 2020

Week of December 7th

 Wrapping Up and New Beginnings!

Hello families!  
    This week we will wrap up our first novels in both 5th and 6th grade.  The new novels for Module 2 are already available for pick up at FCCS.  You may also turn in your student's copy of the novel from module 1 at that time if you like.  Your scholars have made so much growth during this first module.  I am so excited about seeing them apply the skills they have learned in speaking and writing to this next set of novels.   
    IMPORTANT NOTE:  Digital Notebooks will be turned in by Friday.  We will start a new notebook for Module 2 next week.  Whether we are hybrid or fully virtual, we will continue to use the digital notebook to make it easier to keep track of our work.

5th Grade

The 5th grade will be finishing up their Thunder Rolling in the Mountains book by Friday.  Please make sure you pick up The Phantom Tollbooth this week from FCCS.  We will start reading it on Monday, December 14th.
This week we will be looking back at our essential question:  How does a person's culture affect how their perception and reaction to events going on around them?  We will look closely at characters and the plot of our novel to share our feelings and thoughts about this question.

6th Grade

This week sixth grade scholars will be writing an essay to show their comprehension of our novel, Bud, Not Buddy.  They will be analyzing the main character's (Bud's) growth over the period of the story.  In addition, they will be analyzing the characters and events that contributed to the Bud's growth.  This essay will be written in the digital notebook and must be completed by the end of the week.  We will start background for our new novel on Friday this week.  Students will need the hard copy of the book by Monday when their first reading assignment will be given.  Please make sure to get up to FCCS for your scholar's copy of The Odyssey.